Category Archive: The way of the Mountain

reality and negative thought

life is painful its easy to have negative thoughts about the sources of pain in life but negative thought doesnt connect you to reality in fact it does the opposite for example: the… Continue reading

open eyes and illusion

predators are beautiful we have great respect for them and nature knows they serve an important purpose why then, at the top of the food chain, do we fight against the vision of… Continue reading


Neil Armstrong didn’t dream of becoming an astronaut. That career didn’t exist when he was a boy. He was going to be a test pilot but he just kept going. He kept improving… Continue reading

the myth of sex as a sin

Sex and food are the two essential factors of life. Without one you would not be born. Without the other you will die. Is it a coincidence that both things you truly need… Continue reading

the importance of satisfaction

satisfaction begins with the basic fundamental aspects of life: sex and food without one you would not be born without the other you will die you crave it because its essential your mind… Continue reading

perspectives on envy

do you sometimes laugh or smile when you feel pain? do you show confidence when you feel doubt? do you hide weaknesses by pretending to be strong? why do you think others don’t… Continue reading

the world changes when you change – extreme suffering and the way to a better life

if you’ve never had a good life then what does it really mean? how to get there? where to begin? you don’t need to know where you’re going you just need to understand… Continue reading

fear of change

as you learn the lessons of life and change your thoughts choices and actions are you still you? yes when you have a broken arm are you still you? yes and yet life… Continue reading


John Lennon said “yes is the answer and you know that for sure.” Most people think he said love or peace is the answer and yes, he said those things too, but “yes”… Continue reading

one of the answers which will always be true

if you’re looking for a better life less pain or a higher understanding of yourself then it’s helpful to understand the simple foundation at the root of all you do UNIVERSAL TRUTH the… Continue reading

lost or confused and what to do

the first thing to understand is the source of confusion ten thousand years ago the rituals of the community were the ancient way of knowing your place in the world and the right course… Continue reading

The way to a better life in one paragraph

Life is painful. The pain is your motivation to make changes. If you want to end your pain don’t avoid feeling your pain. Think about your suffering and what caused it. Contemplate the… Continue reading

ten million lawyers with lawsuits can’t erase simple truths with layers of language

The voice-less rabbit knows more of healing than many educated minds. If he escapes the teeth he won’t wait for the coyote to become a doctor and return to mend the wounds with… Continue reading

Optimism or pessimism ~ which is closer to reality and why it matters

Life is painful and always will be. No pessimist will disagree. But they might be surprised to know that every optimist will also agree because everyone has pain and suffering. EVERYONE. So the… Continue reading

did you hear that?

examine insults, judgment, rules, and beliefs then observe very young children and you discover that you didn’t doubt yourself until someone taught it as an idea to you. suffering is natural. but words… Continue reading

appearance and truth – what is self improvement?

you can laugh for a moment even when you have great misery you can feel great sorrow when you  have great assets does wealth remove sorrow when your loved ones die? do clean clothes remove the deep… Continue reading

what is the purpose of crisis and loss?

If life didn’t end with death there would have been no room on earth for you to be born. The world was filled with life a billion years ago. The purpose of a… Continue reading

children are great teachers

learning isn’t blind acceptance children constantly show the way why? why? why? to teach the way to become a good student there is no better teacher than a child who has the answers?… Continue reading

the illusion of comfort and security

the cheetah teaches the gazelle to run faster the gazelle teaches the cheetah to run faster if both are running faster maybe this seems like nothing is happening but everything is happening all… Continue reading

if money is the root of all evil

if money is the root of all evil then the life of a banker is opposite to a spiritual life right? wrong when you follow fascination you move in harmony with your spirit … Continue reading